coats of arms

coats of arms

Going to Chicago in July

I'm going to Chicago in July and I might try to visit where my grandma, Inez Heyman (Campbell) and grandpa, Malcolm Campbell, were born, Crystal Lake, Illinois and Peru, Indiana respectively. Does anyone in the family happen to know if we have any info. about where they lived in those cities?

I don't know if I will be able to drive the 4.5 hours to Hunt's Corner or not...

My maternal grandmother's father's line of the family has a genealogical society: The Heymann Historical Society and Heymann Historical Society. The Heymann Historical Society is a Not–For–Profit corporation established December 15, 1981, dedicated to promoting the Heymann family heritage by preserving the Hunt’s Corners Church, researching and publishing the family genealogy and preserving family memorabilia.


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