German Immigration to America
The Concord "the German Mayflower" 1683, later 1850-1900
(father of Frederick, who was father of Genevieve Brennan) born about 1840
from Rusia, (Poland) or Hesse, Germany?
immigration date unknown
Anna Knoebel or Kanabel immigrated with her husband Christian Zug, to America aboard the "Francis & Elizabeth", landing in Philadelphia on September 21, 1742.
Jane's Great6: Christian Zoug or Zug Sr.born Dec. 1710 Darmstadt Hesse, Germany
Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany |
Zug Immigration:"Christian Zug came to America with wife and his two brothers, Johanes and Moritz, on Sept 21, 1742 on the ship "Francis and Elizabeth", George North, Master from Rotterdam.
Great6: Johann Daniel Stumpf brother Henry George Stumpf crossed the Atlantic, from Germany to PA, in 1745 on the "Edinburgh" at age 20.
Brother's of Great6: Emigration of Johann Wilhelm William (twin) Stumpf 824 on 2 October 1753.
His twin brother Henry emigrated on the Edinburgh at the age of 28.
Great6: Johann Daniel Stumpf born 1724 in Wurtenburg, Germany, immigrated 1754
His twin brother's Johann Wilhelm and Henry also emigrated (above).
Johann Daniel arrived at the port of Philadelphia on the ship "Richard and Mary" on September 30, 1754 from Wurtenburg, Germany or Prussia. He then went to Berks Co., Pennsylvania.
Wurtenberg, Germany |
Great5: John Jacob Stump Sr. born 1745 in Germany, immigrated with his dad?
Great3: John George Heymann
born Kaltenholzhausen, Duchy Nassau, Germany 9/1/1795
Emigrated with his wife and children from Kaltenholzhausen, Nassau, Germany in 1848
Their passport was stamped in Le Havre, France, May 1848 departure to New York
LeHavre France |
Maria Margarethe Regina Opperman
born Kaltenholzhausen, Duchy Nassau, Germany 4/14/1796, immigrated ?
died Hunt's Corner, Huron County Ohio, 3/29/1872
Great Great Grandfather: Heinrich Ludwig Jr.
born in Rotweil, Germany 1838, immigrated ?
father Heinrich Ludwig Sr., Minister to Kaiser of Germany*
died 1894, Ohio presumed
Rotweil Germany |

Greek Immigration to America
Crop failures 1890-1917
Balkan War 1912
Greg's Grandfather
Harry Rekas
born in Greece
Arrived in the US in 1911 from Alexandria, Egypt
Hungarian Immigration to America
Post WWI and post WWII following Revolution of 1956
Greg's Grandmother
Maria Brody
born in Hungary
Arrived at Ellis Island in US 1914 on the "Patagonia" from Trieste, Italy
Irish Immigration to America
1. Ellen McGee born in Ireland date unknown, mother of Hanna Foley, later born in Heckscherville, PA.
2. Edward Brennan was born in 1813 in Ireland and died on an unknown date. He married Ann or Hannah Brennan in 1853. Ann or Hannah was born in 1826 in Ireland and died on an unknown date.
Immigrated 1868? had to be earlier unless his wife went earlier
3. John J Brennan was born in Sep. 1867 in Heckscherville, PA and died on Dec. 2, 1940 in Minersville, PA at the age of 73. He married Hannah Brennan [Foley] on Aug. 18, 1890 in Heckscherville, PA. Hannah, daughter of John Foley and Ellen Foley [McGee], was born About 1854 in Heckscherville, PA and died on Oct. 17, 1918 in Cass Township, Minsersville, PA at the age of ABOUT 63-64.
4. Edward Brennan was born on Jun. 11, 1893 in Heckscherville, PA and died on Dec. 16, 1972 in Philadelphia, PA at the age of 79. He married Genevieve "Geneva" Brennan [Leopold] on Apr. 19, 1914. Genevieve "Geneva", daughter of Frederick "Fred" Leopold, Sr. and Elizabeth "Lizzie" Leopold [McKenna], was born on Sep. 28, 1894 in Philadelphia, PA and died on Nov. 22, 1953 in Philadelphia, PA at the age of 59.
5. Child of Edward Brennan and Genevieve: Catherine "Kitty" Cecelia Rekas [Brennan] was born on Feb. 5, 1918 in Minersville, PA and died Mar 1 or 17 1967 in Philadelphia, PA. She married John Harry Rekas on Mar. 9, 1942. John Harry, son of Harry "PopPop" Rekas and Maria (Mary) "MomMom" Rekas [Brodie/Brody], was born on Oct. 31, 1917 in Trenton NJ and died on Oct. 17, 1993 in Coatesville, PA at the age of 75.
6. Greg Rekas
Scots-Irish Migration 1717-1775
Jane's Great3: John Campbell
born 1797 in Scotland c: in Came To America When 18 in 1815
(Clara Barcher (Baartscheer)
born 1807/9 in Amsterdam, Holland)
Jane's Great7: Christian Hershey
born 1665 in Emmental, Bern, Switzerland
1717 Immigrant was the first Mennonite Bishop in Lancaster Co, PA
Emigration of Elizabeth Ballmer521 in 1845.
Emigration of John Jacob Businger530 in 1845.
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