Relatives who lived the longest
1. Died at 112 years Lloyd F. Loux Related by marriage: 7 steps 1864 - 1977
2. Died at 106 years John Dierstein Hans Johnannes (Father of ZUG Christian) Peter Zug Direct ancestor (9 generations) 1684 - 1790
3. Died at 103 yearsChristian R Reeser, Sr. Related by marriage: 9 steps 1819 - 1923

"GGP": Arnold Heyman
4. Died at 98 yearsArnold Cyrus Heyman Great-grandfather 1877 - 1975
5. Died at 98 yearsBarcher Benton (Barch) Campbell Great-great-uncle 1874 - 1972
1. Died at 109 years Mrs. Christian Long Direct ancestor (9 generations) 1666 - 1775
2. Died at 107 years Keiko Tani (Wife of ZUG father of Christian) Zug (born Tsuji) Direct ancestor (9 generations) 1698 - 1805 [I have question about the validity of whether she was a relative.]
3. Died at 105 years Lucy Jane Autery Related by marriage: 8 steps 1863 - 1969
4. Died at 103 years Magdalena Zug 1st cousin 8 times removed 1720 - 1823
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